
No Impact Man

    Just seen the film No Impact Man at Warwick Arts and while I'm cooking dinner, which I am not doing by candle light, I'll tell you my thoughts. Not all my thoughts are good. There are some huge holes to pick in this endeavour, which is to live in NYC for a year without having an 'impact' on the environment in terms of energy usage. It's close to impossible to do and they picked up and tackled the obvious ironies that prevented them doing it honestly, like Michelle working at Business Week, and I'm glad they did.
    It was good to see them manage it as a couple, anyone less suited may have thrown in the towel at trying to do the above in an apartment the size of a shoebox on the ninth floor. She was by far the easier to identify with, as the one who had communicated a sense of revelation in her life. At the beginning I didn't think she was going to make it, but she did and she looked so much healthier for it. As the driver of change he was always less easy to sympathise with.
    It's not a film I'd bother going to the cinema to see, I just had nothing else to do tonight, but I'd watch it on telly, and pick holes from the comfort of my sofa, then go and check out some more environmentally friendly cleaning fluids; I've got some vinegar and baking powder in the cupboard, so why not give it a go.

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