
2010 Review

My own personal review this, rather than the world's in general because that would really take rather a long time and I'm terribly under qualified. One could also say that one is also unqualified to pass judgment on one's own year, lacking distance, perspective, and all that, but I don't think anyone else will do it for me so here goes...

In 2010 I learnt that...

I love learning, but I don't love performing. I am happier out of the limelight, even though I always have one eye on how I think I'm being perceived - I have no wish to be famous - isn't that a refreshing thing to hear these days?

I'm happier when I have something to do, and miserable when I have not.

I enjoy writing. Writing is enjoyable. Writing is a valid art form and a really good substitute for visual artforms as well as being far more portable than a studio full of brushes and messy paint, as well as being infinitely more editable, tweakable and malleable with the same capability, if you are clever, for projection beyond language, possibly.

When I feel in a particular way about something then I should listen to my heart and not what my head is telling me - it is cheaper in the long run.

I am very secretive and changeable. I don't like to be pinned down. I will not be.

Embracing one's celebrity crush (the crush, not the celebrity - one can get arrested for that) can be a very good motivator for creative projects and also broaden one's mind in some areas.

Twitter is fucking ace.

Work sort of looks after itself, as long as I continue to be diligent. I really should invoice more promptly.

I can't do holidays where you do fuck all - see point 2. I am going out of my mind!

In 2010 I...

Decided my degree course and I were no longer compatible as it was seriously below par.
Conceived my first child (see 2011).
Allowed my relationship to grow up somewhat.
Began writing. We will wait to see if this becomes a good thing, but for the moment it is a good thing, even if for the moment it is suffering an interruption due to impending motherhood tailspin and general uggyness, plus, being trapped in a hot country.

In 2011 I might...
Become somebody's mother. Alongside the application of time and energy that will undoubtedly take I am really interested to see how that will change me, and everything else. This is good, I will be useful. I will make a contribution to the human race. Hopefully a good one.
Finish one of the three pieces of writing I started this year.

These are not resolutions, these are simply things that may become because they began in 2010. Other things will become too. This is my only resolution for 2011: Invoice more promptly.

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